I think, and please correct me, that 4spawn maps are best scouted directly cross spawn. Nearly every Zerg will send overlords to the vertical and horizontal spawns first. If you really learn your timings you can judge when to check for overlords poking around your base and spot the ones that are being careful. That will reveal the Zergs placement fairly quickly. So, if you cross spawn scout on this timing and you don't find him, you should be lined up to send it directly to his correct base at that point. Saving you the need to possibly scout all three.
Yes. I will start doing this.
I'd consider three alterations. One, engineering bay block the natural. It can slow down the lings, and it slows the hatch followup if not. It tells you when he is ending the pressure or can as well.
I've got mixed feelings here. I feel like i need the money for bunkers *immediatly* in a one base bane situation. While I agree with the logic I'm not sure I can afford it and live. We should do some play testing and find out.
I'd also consider a single widowmine in the wall with the hellions. Can be a total shutdown on banes/lings.
I think as a rule the factory and any unit it produces is a bit late to help actually defend and is more for the counter attack or map control. In both of these cases hellions are better. Further, I feel like small number of mines, 1-3 are very coin flippy. One bad shot on a single zergling and you're screwed whereas the hellions are a bit more of a stable/reliable play. One mine feels like a gamble.
I'd also consider it a priority to get that marine to snipe an overlord. Even if you lose the marine it's probably worth it on an all in like that.
If they dive in with the overlord yeah, sniping it is huge. I need to be very careful to not succumb to the retard magnet tho.
I'd leave the scouting SCV back behind the natural mineral line. Wait until the roaches have moved out and still consider the bay block. Same reasons, just accounting for the damage of the roaches.
Yeah, this needs to be standard play. As you said earlier, knowing when the allin is over is critical information and this is a great way to get it.
I still like a widow mine here, but getting to the tank is huge so that's a question of where you gas is at this point. I'd probably go mine to banshee instead of to tank.
As per above I feel like this is coin flippy in low numbers. The tank is the stable play and the goal in defending is to live, not take risks to get ahead. The roach bust is over before I could even consider getting a starport.
For the two base roach/bane. Consider scv scout making a bunker at zerg's natural in the mineral line to drive a reaction. You've already walked over. If they pull drones then you can get ahead just by virtue of annoying them and delaying mining. If they let it finish you can stage the reaper out of it.
Neat! We will def have to play test that. I feel like this is somewhat more affordable in the two base bust situation.
For Proxy Hatches, consider the creep tumor snipe a priority. Often the only real goal is to delay the natural landing and force scans.
I have so few units for this tho. It's like a spine crawler poking at a bunker with my very first marine in it.
Like hell quickthoughts, that is some pretty good analysis. Thank you.