Anyone been watching Proleague this season? Flash has been pretty good. Saw him beat a zerg with mech the other day. But in general, Terran is having it pretty rough. Maru got dominated twice by Soulkey. In the ace match, Soulkey had him outmatched from start to finish.
I've only caught it here and there, but the excitement has been pretty awesome. Added (2014/January/26, 1:44 PM)
Maru and TY only players with 7 wins so far in Proleague! Only thing separating them is Maru has played in and won several ace matches already. I went back and watched a lot of his games to try to learn about TvP and now I see why all the hype. He's the only Terran player right now I think that puts a little fear into Korean Protoss players.